Margie Gaunt
2 min readMar 4, 2021



We all know that our bodies slow down as we age, meaning we don’t want to move as much. Although, it is so important to keep moving!

I have been an avid exerciser for many years. As I age, it seems there are new aches daily. That’s ok. I know I’m working my body and keeping it from locking up.

At one time, I lifted weights 6 days a week. Let me tell, I do not want to go back there. I am 56 years old and box with a heavy bag 3–4 times a week. It is without a doubt, the hardest workout I have ever done. It is also very rewarding. The reason, I love it!! Yes, my body aches, part of the aging process, but I can tell you my body feels good when I’m done.

The reason I box — I LOVE IT! Exercising as we age, we need to find something that we love and stick to it! That becomes the hard part. It’s amazing the excuses our brain will tell us not do any extra moving. ie. I’m tired, I didn’t get enough sleep, I worked on my computer all day…blah, blah, blah. You just have to learn how to trick yourself. One thing about boxing is there is no comparing myself to other people in my class, as it is a one on one with you and the bag.

On an average day, we move around mindlessly. Whether it is at work or doing things around the house. You get tired. Your body doesn’t want to do any extra moving. Been there?? Me too! But, what I have found is the more you move, the less aches you have. You are engaging your muscles. We get tired the less we move and have more aches because of it. Make sense??

So, get up, move around, take that evening walk. You don’t have to go gangbuster, because in reality, you won’t stick to it. I promise you, once you get into a routine of sorts, you will feel good. Our bodies are machines. Keep it well oiled by moving it!



Margie Gaunt

On a mission to improve my health, healthy cook, baker and exercise girl.